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Soalan Lazim

Frequently ask questions.


Nano – 1K – 15K Followers

Micro – 15K – 100K Followers

Macro – 100K – 300K Followers

Mega – 300k+ Followers

To join us as influencer, you must be 18 years old and above, and you must have your own bank account. You are unable to use the bank account that owned by your parents, your siblings, or even your guardian.

In addition, your Instagram account must have minimum 1000 followers and above.

  1. Download and sign up an account through KOLHUB app
  2. Update your personal details in KOLHUB app
  3. There will be ongoing campaigns showing on your dashboard
  4. Apply the job through app and you will receive the product sample if you are selected by the brand
  5. Create and submit draft to get approval from brand owner
  6. Create posting on Instagram or particular social media and monitor the result
  7. Get paid within 45 working days

By joining KOLHUB campaigns, you will gain access to the influencer and KOLs community. There will also webinar and experience sharing by other influencers from time to time.

Campaigns would usually consist of promoting the brand’s product or service (based on the brands’ requirement and specification). They may include any of the following exciting activities and opportunities:

  • Pelancaran produk baru: Ini termasuk jemputan acara, pratonton, foto produk, percubaan pengguna, etc.
  • Peraduan: Ini termasuk pertandingan influencer dan pertandingan penyertaan pengikut, atau penggunaan hashtag.
  • Promosi: Tawaran, penjualan, atau diskaun khas, biasanya ditandakan pada hashtag atau kod yang unik.
  • Perdagangan langsung: Menjalankan dan menjual produk syarikat melalui sesi langsung.

Kindly ensure that your profile details in KOLHUB app are always up to date so that our team can reach out to you easily. You may contact our admin at Telegram (@kolhub_my) when you would like to amend any details of your profile. Please do take note that if you did not keep your data up to date and our team unable to reach you, you will get disqualified from that particular campaign.

Once your draft has been submitted, kindly allow at least 7 working days for brand to go through and approve your draft. And for sure, we will always remind our brand to approve it as soon as they can. Thank you in advance for your patient with us.

Not to worry and keep calm! You may reach us out on Telegram (@kolhub_my) and our admin will guide you on the steps to resubmit the draft.

We do not recommend influencers to cancel applications after you had submitted the request unless there’s acceptable reasons provided. In case if you really need to excuse yourself from the campaign with acceptable reasons, kindly contact our admin via Telegram (@kolhub_my) and our admin will remove your application for that particular campaign.

If the influencer request cancellations for more than two (2) times, your scoring will decrease and it will affect the chance on getting campaigns with us.

After you had submitted the application, our brand owner will proceed with the talent screening within 14 working days. You may check your application status via KOLHUB app (the campaign will appear under “Approved” tab), and our team will also send you a friendly reminder through WhatsApp.

However, please do not get discouraged if you are not being chosen for campaigns. You may still standby yourself for that particular campaign in case there’s any last-minute changes on other influencer.

Influencers will look for KOLHUB directly instead of looking to the brand itself. If influencers look for brands directly, the particular influencer will get penalty and they will have lesser chance to get campaigns from us.

Payment for campaigns will be reflected in your bank account within 45 working days. Kindly ensure that the bank account details which you had submitted is the correct details in order to avoid any confusion.

Also, kindly do not hide your like counts for the campaign as it affects our process to proceed with your payment.


  • Keberkesanan dengan Alat Pengaruh dan Pengurusan Kempen
  • Menghubungkan jenama anda dengan khalayak melalui kekuatan pengaruh
  • Berpengalaman dalam merancang strategi kempen
  • Sistem pengesanan penipuan yang maju

Influencer akan mencipta konten untuk mempromosikan jenama anda, dan ini bukan sahaja akan menarik pengikut media sosial anda tetapi juga mereka. Ini membantu anda meningkatkan kesedaran jenama anda dengan menjangkau khalayak baru. Mereka juga mendorong untuk meningkatkan trafik ke laman web anda apabila mereka menambahkan pautan website dalam hantaran mereka.

  • Tingkatkan strategi pemasaran influencer anda dengan analisis pasaran
  • Cari influencer yang sesuai
  • Analisis akaun lebih daripada 40 penanda aras metrik mendalam 
  • Rancang, urus dan jejak kempen influencer anda dengan pemaparan AI 
  • Laporan lengkap dengan maklumat penting mengenai kempen anda
  • First, click here to contact us
  • Beri tahu kami apakah objektif dan hasil yang anda jangkakan
  • Cadangan akan diberikan dalam 3 hari bekerja
  • Setelah mengesahkan, influencer akan mula mencipta dan berkongsi kontennya
  • Laporan lengkap akan dihantar kepada syarikat setelah kempen selesai

Kami percaya bahawa ketelusan adalah kunci untuk dipercaya, semua kempen yang dijalankan, semua data perincian dan keterlibatan langsung dari platform media sosial dan semua data telus.

Kami menyokong sebahagian besar media sosial, termasuk Instagram, Youtube, Linkedin, dan TikTok dan lain-lain. Hubungi kami untuk maklumat lebih lanjut.

Kami berperanan sebagai orang tengah antara syarikat pengaruh dan jenama.


  • Kami merancang - Setelah disahkan, salah seorang pakar kami akan mengembangkan kempen dari cadangan hingga pelaksanaan
  • Kami membuat - Proses penciptaan kami berdasarkan pada pemikiran strategik dan semua penciptaan konten mesti berorientasikan hasil
  • Kami menemui – We identify the influencers that fir your brand and campaign goal
  • Kami memperkuat – We amplify effectiveness with solutions  that work for your brand
  • Kami menilai –  A campaign is not complete till we submit the full assessment report.
  • Instagram – Membolehkan jenama memanfaatkan kemampuan unik influencer untuk mempengaruhi orang lain, kredibiliti yang kukuh dengan penonton.
  • TikTok – Membolehkan jenama bekerjasama dengan TikToker untuk membuat dan berkongsi konten tajaan dengan khalayak mereka 
  • Linkedin – Memberi anda platform yang menjadikan anda ‘pemimpin pemikiran’ yang jauh lebih dipercayai dan menggandakan pengikut anda hanya dalam beberapa hari
  • Youtube – Memberi peluang kepada jenama untuk mempereratkan hubungan mereka dengan pengguna melalui penceritaan dan pendidikan oleh influencer
  • Live Commerce –  Benarkan jenama mempromosikan dan menjual barang melalui aliran influencer di saluran media sosial mereka sendiri
  • Video Production – Menangkan lebih banyak pelanggan untuk jenama dengan video strategi 30-an melalui influencer 

Kami menyediakan perkhidmatan analisis pasaran di mana ini mempercepat pengumpulan dan analisis data, meningkatkan strategi pemasaran pengaruh anda. Analisis pasaran ini meliputi: Analisis industri, analisis pesaing, perbandingan pesaing, pertindihan audiens, analisis trend, dan analisis kandungan untuk memastikan keberkesanan setiap kempen.

Certainly, provides you with the flexibility to pick and choose influencers that match your industry category, brand, and budget. We will be happy to reach out to other influencers whom you are keen to work with and connect with them if they have not signed up on the platform.

Venture All Possibilities With KOLHUB’s Data–Driven Influencer Marketing

We only promise results that will leave you WOW!

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